
What is the use of screw conveyor taboos

What is the use of screw conveyor taboo :
Screw Conveyor can be inserted into a variety of organs mining reclaimer , the vast majority can reduce the amount of clean-up , there is a continuous conveyor also has the function of having a clean , stable power will be able to start close to the rated capacity of productivity , productivity can reach the rated 55% -70 % while other transportation equipment, the average efficiency of only 40% -50% of this balance nature of the work to the rear conveyor system is important to match ; various mechanical energy than continuous conveyor conveying equipment small grab .
1 , in operation if there is tape deviation phenomenon should make timely adjustments parking , do not use force in order to avoid friction increases .
2, the working environment or material temperature is below -10 degrees above 50 degrees do not work
3, do not transport acidity or materials containing organic ingredients .
4 , the conveyor belt or by people not pedestrians to avoid personal injury.
5 , conveyance conveyor insulation problems arise to do stop processing , the motor must be grounded to avoid leakage .
6, the belt slipping a hand to lift the prohibition zone, so as to avoid injury.
These are the need to pay attention when using screw conveyor taboo issue .
General can achieve custody transfer , conveyor can easily be closed within the discharge point , reducing the loading point to take the height , or take other measures to eliminate dust can greatly reduce dust pollution of the environment , to achieve continuous conveyor operation , because it is a continuous operation Therefore, small vibration , low noise . Dynamic load reduction due to the quality of the structure decreases, extends service life and reduce worker fatigue mechanical ; operation is simple , easy to implement automatic control ; due to continuous operation , the average efficiency is relatively high , the quality of productivity than the same type of screw conveyor LS confidential small .

