Grain situation detection is an important means to ensure the safety of food storage!
● Grain Cleaners detection system to improve the situation:
Existing grain situation detection system, only for food temperature, air temperature and humidity monitoring, and can not detect CO2, PH3 concentration, grain moisture, pest species and density, lack of ventilation and automatic analysis of intelligent control functions for ventilation, do not have other functions in accordance with the implementation of intelligent pest fumigation activities.
Such as grain storage safety 30m diameter, which is the central part of no temperature cable, closest to the center circle diameter of the cable distribution of 5.4m. Grain storage Security Center is the impurity-rich region, the greatest risk of accidents, if the center grain fever, then spread to food temperature measuring point, you need a lot of days, food prone to mildew.
Grain storage safety temperature cable arranged in more than 1m away from the silo wall, it is difficult to reflect the influence of the outside temperature. In fact, at 33 ~ 50cm away from the silo wall, Grain Tester temperature with the ambient temperature changes in the most obvious, but the existing layout of this site can not be measured temperature cable temperature, it is difficult to keep abreast of the nearby grain silo wall temperature condition.
● temperature cable and temperature measuring points are arranged:
"Design features" called "temperature cable arranged horizontally spaced not more than 5 ~ 6m, vertical measurement points spaced not more than 2 ~ 3m, the outermost layer of the cable from the warehouse wall temperature of not more than 1.5m." Arranged according to the above requirements temperature cable and temperature measuring point, single-chamber temperature measurement point arrangement less, particularly in the grain storage grain storage safety aspects of the book is weak - the central part of the subsurface within 50cm, bottom and walls around the warehouse distribution monitoring has not been effective in detecting the presence of blind application of varying degrees, makes it impossible to accurately reflect the actual situation in a timely manner through the food grain storage situation detection system for grain storage safe and timely measures to address the risks brought about the difficulty of stored grain.
● temperature cable fixed:
In practical applications, and can be in the inner circle of the cable in the ground at 1.0m respectively nylon rope circle, respectively diagonal cables with nylon rope for pulling cable drift better solve the problem, so that the actual After Jincang maximum drift of about 1.5m, to meet the basic requirements, and does not affect the normal operation of clearing machine. Or located in the warehouse at the end of buried cables fixing temperature, with a rope to secure it, but also solve the problem of drift.
● temperature measurement equipment maintenance:
Detection extension, acquisition prone to failure, and the replacement of inconvenience; especially after the food Jincang, temperature cable once the damage can not be replaced, to stay hidden grain storage safety. FAQ hardware grain situation is fragile detection system, anti-jamming performance and poor reproducibility, high failure rate, especially thermistor fragile, poor individual manufacturers sensor interface and corrosion resistance junction box, and do not have the fumigation, lightning or electromagnetic pulse protection. Grain situation detection system experienced a SBC, analog and digital integrated circuit development system, the technology has reached a mature stage, but there are also high failure rate, repair and replacement difficult shortcomings.
Increased food production makes grain storage safety at work is becoming heavier grain situation testing work is one of the most important one.