Ctgrain Flour Machinery for food processing industry, there are large, medium and small different type, grain processing capacity between them are also different. Now most or with small devices, as in food production and processing, small flour what are the advantages and disadvantages of mechanical equipment? Let's come from the price, size, processing, structure and production to large and medium-sized flour machinery to do the contrast.
1. Price: the everyone can compare, large flour machinery and equipment must be more expensive.
2. The size is: small flour machining equipment structure is simple, cover an area of an area small, whether it is a processing or installation, is simple to operate, process performance is also better. This is an advantage.
In processing: modelling is small, difficult to produced the cow had a torque or bond flour, but relatively large flour equipment, its flour extraction rate is relatively low, the efficiency is relatively low.
4. Structure: small flour machine consists of feeding, conical grinding and separation system, integrating crushing, grinding, feed processing machine, suitable for rural and small food, feed processing work. Inside and outside of the bottom of grinding head grinding machine are angled with cylindrical, the top of the grinding head by two centripetal ball bearings as the main supporting points, internal and external cylindrical as auxiliary supporting points for the rotation from the lower pole of the grinding head, and by axial movement of the grinding head inside the clearance between the internal and external grinding head. Grated food directly from the grinding head clearance by luo frame was in ROM on the bottom, the adjustable gap's brush with the flour with gluten seed separation. Simple structure.
5. On the production: due to size problem, with the voltage, dynamics, and its processing capacity is also different, only right and small workshop, not suitable for large-scale processing plants. Yield relatively smaller. This is a disadvantage. If you want to processing, so only buy large flour processing equipment.